My January 2024 Experiment

My January 2024 Experiment

Obviously, January can only go by with an experiment, so my main goal this month is to keep moving towards a BMI of around 20-21.

I’ve also adjusted my daily calorie limit accordingly, with my intake between 1600 and 1700, with regular daily exercise.

Speaking of exercise, I’m doing these now:

  • short warm-up
  • 1 hour of MAF 180 exercise per day:
    • 40 minutes on an indoor exercise bike
    • 20 minutes on the treadmill
  • 4000 steps a day (because of the 20 minutes of running, this is only theoretical)
  • daily back exercises and stretching

I can see your eyebrows popping up, that’s a lot of time. Yes, it is. I’m so excited to be able to do all of this now that I look forward to moving in the mornings. That was unthinkable a few years ago. I’ve become an addict in a good way and, unfortunately, in a bad way.

How do you get started with regular exercise? Start small. 20 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of back exercises also function as post-cardio stretching. It’s important to remember that cardio is low-intensity exercise, so if you switch to something more active or do it for longer, don’t skip the warm-up - warming up is not stupid at all, even if it seems silly from the outside.

I’d really like to stress the importance of back exercises. I’ve been fat almost all my life, so my range of motion was inherently limited. I’m not just talking about the fact that when we went on hikes with the kids, I was always the last one, and they always had to wait for me, but also how far I could bend down, whether I could lift my legs high enough, straighten up and I could go on.

A couple of minutes of back exercises, at least every other day, is something I tried to incorporate into my days long before I changed my lifestyle, but only when I was in pain. Sound familiar? I found that if I do it regularly, the pain doesn’t even bother me.

My diet is like this now:

  • Vegetables: tomatoes, onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc.
  • Fruits: dried and fresh fruits such as figs, dates, apples, oranges, etc.
  • Seeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts
  • Food of animal origin: all kinds of meat, fish and eggs
  • Fats: olive oil, coconut oil and milk, pork and duck fat
  • Beverages: coffee, tea, zero-calorie drinks

I’ll post the calculators here, too. Got a question? Ask in the Facebook group.

UPDATED BMI and Daily Calorie Consumption Calculator
Your age in integer form.
Your height in centimeters.
Your weight in kilograms.
This is your optimal BMI, set it around 21-22, as you wish.
How many active calories your app counts in a week.
This is your real BMI.
This is your target weight in kilogram.
Calories for Females This is your daily RMR in kcal if you are a female.
Extra calories from activity in kcal for females.
Daily total MAXIMUM calories in kcal for females.
Daily total PROPOSED calories in kcal for females.
Daily total MINIMUM calories in kcal for females.
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info icon
Calories for Males This is your daily RMR in kcal if you are a male.
Extra calories from activity in kcal for males.
Daily total MAXIMUM calories in kcal for males.
Daily total PROPOSED calories in kcal for males.
Daily total MINIMUM calories in kcal for males.
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Fat Burning Zone Calculator
Your age in integer form.
Minimum heart rate in fat burning zone.
Maximum heart rate in fat burning zone.
MAF 180 Calculator
Your age in integer form.
Minimum heart rate in MAF 180 zone.
Maximum heart rate in fat MAF 180 zone.
