CalculatorsUPDATED BMI and Daily Calorie Consumption CalculatorYour Age Your age in integer form. Your Height Your height in centimeters. Your Weight Your weight in kilograms. Your Optimal BMI This is your optimal BMI, set it around 21-22, as you wish. Weekly active calories How many active calories your app counts in a week. Calculate!Your Real BMI This is your real BMI. Your Target Weight This is your target weight in kilogram. Calories for Females This is your daily RMR in kcal if you are a female. Extra calories from activity in kcal for females. Daily total MAXIMUM calories in kcal for females. Daily total PROPOSED calories in kcal for females. Daily total MINIMUM calories in kcal for females. info iconinfo iconCalories for Males This is your daily RMR in kcal if you are a male. Extra calories from activity in kcal for males. Daily total MAXIMUM calories in kcal for males. Daily total PROPOSED calories in kcal for males. Daily total MINIMUM calories in kcal for males. info iconinfo iconFat Burning Zone CalculatorYour Age Your age in integer form. Calculate!Minimum Minimum heart rate in fat burning zone. Maximum Maximum heart rate in fat burning zone. MAF 180 CalculatorYour Age Your age in integer form. Options Recovering from a major illness (-10) Injured, sick a lot, want to lose weight, you are a beginner/re-starter (-5) You are healthy, training at least four times weekly Training for more than two years (+5)Calculate!Minimum Minimum heart rate in MAF 180 zone. Maximum Maximum heart rate in fat MAF 180 zone. calorie calculationheart rate calculationMAF 180Translations:hu: Kalkulátorok